BIOG: I am an artist based in South Wales, UK.

Some of my films are extensions of my paintings which have always demanded to move a little and invariably depict men sat at tables. These men involve themselves in small, often pathetic acts which betray typical male archetypes. I use self-reflexivity, contradiction, happenstance and sometimes humour; always in an attempt to uncover a little poetry.

Another strand of my work involves the notion of ‘place’; I am interested in how space is depicted on the filmic plane and in the contradictions that this can generate; sometimes I use anaglyph 3D video & VR to further complicate matters.

For the past 2 years, I have been one of the artists on Age Cymru’s groundbreaking CARTrefu program which places artists in elderly care home settings to share their practice with residents. Here, I have worked in a wide range of media which has, more often than not, culminated in creating Moving Image work.